Rosella tea, also known as hibiscus tea or sour tea, is a delightful beverage made from the calyces (the collection of sepals separating the blooming flower from the stem) of the Hibiscus sabdariffa plant.
- Flavor and appearance:
- Roselle tea has a tart and floral flavor that many people enjoy.
- The usually dark-colored flowers are used to brew this tea, resulting in a deep red infusion.
- Health Benefits:
- Blood Pressure Reduction: Roselle appears to be effective in reducing blood pressure in individuals with elevated levels. It achieves this through mechanisms such as ACE inhibition (although this effect is weak) and by benefiting the endothelium via nitric oxide-related pathways.
- Carbohydrate Absorption Inhibition: Roselle seems to inhibit carbohydrate absorption to some extent.
- Limited Evidence for Diabetes and Blood Glucose Control: While the evidence supporting these claims is limited, some studies suggest a positive effect.
- Appetite Suppression: Roselle has reliable appetite-suppressing effects in animal studies, although caution is needed when applying these findings to humans.
- Toxicity and Weight Loss: Roselle can be toxic in higher doses, and weight loss often precedes chronic toxicity. However, direct fat-burning effects are not well established.